Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Obsession

  The definition of obsession is the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea or desire.  This describes me and running. Like many other interests in my life, I have become obsessed with running.  I'm not sure where the compulsion to take a hobby or interest and progress it to an extreme level comes from, but it has happened numerous times throughout my life and running has been no exception.  I rationalize my extreme nature with the view point that anything worth doing is worth doing right. Go big or go home!

 My obsession with running started nearly a year ago when two of my older sisters and my girlfriend ran a St. Patrick's Day 5k.  Since I was not in any kind of shape to run 3.1 miles, I stood at the finish line and cheered them on.  I was extremely proud of them for running their first 5k race but I felt a bit of embarrassment that I was not able to run with them.  The next day I went for my first real run and have not looked back since.
 running shoe collection
In the past year I have purchased just about everything imaginable in running gear (reviews to come).  I have now accumulated 12 pairs of running shoes, everything from "normal" built up running shoes, to Vibram FiveFingers and everything in between (plan to review them all here).  I have read several running books and countless blog post on running.  I have gone from a hard heel striker to a soft mid foot striker (posts on my transition).  I have encountered several injuries in both legs along the way.  I will post on how I injured myself and how to avoid my many mistakes.  I will post about some of my past races and past breakthrough moments as well as my future goals.  Once the weather warms I will be doing my first ever trail runs and posting about my experiences in this new running endeavor.  I will also be running my first marathon in late September and my first ultra race in mid November.  I will have lots to post on the training in the months to come.  Stay tuned for all things running!

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